This is God’s house, not our own, and all are welcome.
60+ years of purpose…
The people that gather at the Oak Park Church of the Brethren have come to understand the distinct Scriptural call of God for its people and its two-fold reason for its existence:
We exist to reach people for the Kingdom of God.
We exist to help each of our Christian brothers and sisters in this place come to a state of full maturity, unity and completeness and to help one another reach his/her highest spiritual potential.
Worship Services
Held every Sunday morning at 10:30am in the church sanctuary. You are also welcome to tune in to 98.5FM and worship with us from the parking lot.
Lessons Beyond Our Services
Two opportunities to learn beyond weekly Sunday Services: On our Facebook page and with Sunday School Classes. Our Pastor, Carl Fike, has been sharing video messages on our Facebook page since Spring of 2020 - click below to watch! Sunday School classes have resumed with classes for all ages each Sunday at 9:30am.
We love kids!
Our youngest visitors are welcome to enjoy Sunday School classes, Vacation Bible School, Christmas Program & Family Dinner, the church nursery and Children’s Church. Our kids get especially excited for weekly Children’s Church sessions that take place during Sunday worship service.

(301) 334-2243